Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23, 2011

We are officially #49 for May. Glad to break the 50 mark and trying to stay positive. We started at 95, so it's about half way now! The boys are getting more and more excited about their sister who they don't even know! I am starting to move the baby stuff out of the nursery and Emmett asked the other day "Who's room is this?" I was explaining to him that it will be his sister's room, which prompted the question, "Where is my sister?" I went on to explain to him that she is in Ethiopia and we will have to wait for her. He will often ask when he sees little girls out in public if THAT is his sister? Then he will seem to answer himself and reply, "No, that's not my sister, we have to wait..." Yes, buddy, this waiting stuff isn't easy!

April 26, 2011

As April comes to a close I again find myself yearning for some really good news. Since Mid March there have not been many referrals. Our official number went to #54 this month, so a 6 spot move was good, but not all that encouraging. The wait is starting to become a little more difficult as we approach our one year mark from starting the process.
I am starting to think of some ideas for fundraising as it is looking like we might not be finalized by the end of December, in order to get the tax credit we have been anticipating to help offset expenses. A project to focus on is helpful in this waiting time as well.