Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 12, 2011

Our one year anniversary of entering the waitlist was on October 27th, and I couldn't help but think that a year ago when we headed out for Trick or Treating with the boys we were planning what our daughter might be for Halloween this year, certain she would be with us by now...

Our official number for October was #31.

Our agency just emailed out their monthly update and one part of it brought great encouragement in this time when our souls are wearing from waiting and the end result still seems so far out of reach. I have include this portion of the update below.

"We understand that these past several months in the Ethiopia program have been difficult for many of you. Over the course of the past several months, many of you have walked with us through several changes in the adoption process in Ethiopia, increased wait times due to program changes, obstacles in your adoption journey, or changing requirements. Yet, here you are, continuing to be faithful in this journey of adoption that God has called you to.

You have chosen a hard road in adoption -- he road less traveled -- and while God knew it would be hard, He still called you to this. He has asked you to step out in this adventure. He has placed on your hearts a specific child and is working to bring together your stories. Why this particular journey? We do not know the God's reasons for the specifics of each of your journeys. We do know, though, that He knew this journey when you started; He still wants you on this path, and the child that you are waiting for -- the child He has asked you to trek this journey for -- is worth that wait in whatever stage of the process you may find yourself today."

Thank you for walking this road with us...we are grateful for the ways you carry us when the journey seems too long and for the emotional wounds you have bandaged when the path has gotten rough and for the nourishment you provide for our spirits when our own provisions are low. We know that we are not on this journey alone and that in itself brings me hope. Happy Thanksgiving in this time of gratitude for all the blessings we have in our lives!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

September 19, 2011

Our official number did go up this month to #33. With this we were grateful, though there is much hurt amongst families right now who are in several stages of the referral and finalization process. There is an uncertainty and heart ache for the children and families caught in the midst.

At this time we have come to realize that our well thought out plan for financing a large portion of the adoption expenses will not come to fruition, as the tax refund we were counting on expires at the end of December and additional fees for updating our homestudy and USCIS fingerprints will start to add on to the original cost. While disappointing and a bit worrisome, we know it will all be worth it once she is here with us! We are so appreciative of friends and family who are supporting us in many ways as we come to this understanding. One group of friends is putting together a Trivia Night in October as a fundraiser to offset these costs. We are hoping the participants have a good time and we are most thankful for this gathering and their efforts to help, whether it is through their time, words of encouragement, food donations, or participating in the event. While it was our choice to adopt and while we had a plan laid out to pay for the costs, it is meaningful when others support our choice and extend a hand when those plans don't quite go accordingly. She will come to our family with the hopes and help of many!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 23, 2011

So Emmett keeps carrying around this baby doll (the only one we have in the house) and is calling him "my sister". He is very diligent with his/her care- making sure we are quiet when she is sleeping and covering him/her up with blankets. He calls her "Coco". It really is quite sweet...

Our official number for August is #39 and in the past week there have been 3 referrals so we are at #36 unofficially. It feels good to be in the 30's and hoping this trend continues!

We are celebrating with friends of ours from church who were amongst those given a referral last week. The were matched with a 4 month old baby boy! We are thrilled for them as they entered parenthood with one phone call! Such joy!

July 17, 2011

Jeremy said this morning, "I've been thinking about our daughter more lately..."

We are officially #42 for July! (Unofficially #41) So happy for the movement! Would love to get in the 30's by August! Heard that MOWA is up to 15 cases a day. Hope that more and more will be able to be reviewed with each passing day!

Jeremy's mom made quilts for the all of the kids, including our daughter to be! She was so kind to use all of colors from her bedding in her room and it matches perfectly! Her room is slowly coming together!

Monday, July 11, 2011

June 26, 2011

This month was one of mixed reports. It started out a bit dismal with our June numbers staying the same as the month before...#49. No movement is difficult and yet each weeks begins with anticipation in possibilities. As the weeks went on there were some court dates set and children coming home with their forever families, which was exciting to see! And then last week several families finally received referrals! To see that news shared on the listserv truly brings such joy! As of Friday our "unofficial" number is #44. We also heard word that MOWA has stated they are now reviewing 10 cases a day instead of 5. While not leaps and bounds, it is a step in the right direction. Still praying that they can receive support and resources to review more and more cases with each passing day.

May 29, 2011

I painted her room today! Just something neutral as her bedding has such bright colors (orange, pink, aqua, green, brown). As I rolled on the paint, covering up the ABCs I painted on the walls 10 years ago I felt renewed. With each stroke of paint I was bringing hope for what is to come. I have found a few other items to match the bedding and now I love opening the door and it brings me happiness to think of our daughter in this room.
We are still so far away, but I continue to pray for her to come to us soon.

Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23, 2011

We are officially #49 for May. Glad to break the 50 mark and trying to stay positive. We started at 95, so it's about half way now! The boys are getting more and more excited about their sister who they don't even know! I am starting to move the baby stuff out of the nursery and Emmett asked the other day "Who's room is this?" I was explaining to him that it will be his sister's room, which prompted the question, "Where is my sister?" I went on to explain to him that she is in Ethiopia and we will have to wait for her. He will often ask when he sees little girls out in public if THAT is his sister? Then he will seem to answer himself and reply, "No, that's not my sister, we have to wait..." Yes, buddy, this waiting stuff isn't easy!

April 26, 2011

As April comes to a close I again find myself yearning for some really good news. Since Mid March there have not been many referrals. Our official number went to #54 this month, so a 6 spot move was good, but not all that encouraging. The wait is starting to become a little more difficult as we approach our one year mark from starting the process.
I am starting to think of some ideas for fundraising as it is looking like we might not be finalized by the end of December, in order to get the tax credit we have been anticipating to help offset expenses. A project to focus on is helpful in this waiting time as well.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 17, 2011

So maybe it was the luck of the Irish today, or more likely an answer to prayers, but we received word that everything seems to be resuming with the adoption processes in Ethiopia. Staff members were replaced at MOWA and there are still some organizational issues they are addressing, but it appears they have not deserted the orphans in their country. Our official number for March is #60. And our "unofficial" number this week is 56. Tears of joy this very thankful.

March 12, 2011

Our fears were confirmed last week when MOWA indeed stated as of March 10th they were reducing their review of international adoption cases to 5 a day. I was devastated and so scared for what this was to mean. I mourned the hopes I had for our daughter and when she would be united with our family. I prayed so often, almost continuously. I signed a petition from the Joint Council for Children International per request of our agency as a way to present a united case for the children awaiting families and passed it on to others to do the same as the only action we could take part in as these decisions were being made half way across the world.

Now we are waiting to see what comes from a series of meetings that agencies and organizations are conducting with MOWA and the Ethiopian government. Trying to keep faith in the unknown and uncertain.

Interestingly our unofficially number for March has gone to #58. During this turbulent time, many referrals were given and many more court dates were set. We hope this movement is an indication of good things to come this spring.

March 5, 2011

We received word for AGCI today that the Ministry of Women's Affairs (MOWA) is considering reviewing only 5 adoption cases a day vs the 40-50 they currently see. This change would dramatically postpone when we would get a referral, etc. The word is that this reduction is due to lack of staff to properly conduct ethical adoption procedures. I am hoping that the government sees the need for more staff and fills enough positions to maintain the need for placing the almost 5 million orphans in Ethiopia with forever families. Feeling apprehensive tonight...

We watched "Black Gold" this evening. It is a documentary about the injustices of the coffee industry and trade in Ethiopia. Very disturbing. Makes you want to aspire to do great things to change the inequities of the world.

February 19, 2011

I went to an adoption conference this morning. It is the same annual conference that I attended a year ago that officially started serious conversations about moving forward with this process. Amazing what a difference a year makes...I say this in hope that a year from now I will be able to hold our daughter close and think the same thing...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 10, 2011

Our waitlist number for February is #72...only 2 up from January...I find it difficult to not have some form of disappointment in this, as we still have hope of bringing our daughter home by Christmas 2011. It is out of our hands and I pray for peace as God continues to guide us along this amazing journey.

January 20, 2011

Our FDL (Favorable Determination Letter) arrived in the mail today! The USCIS has officially approved us for our adoption! Once notarized, we can send it off to AGCI which will make our dossier complete! We will be able to receive a referral!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 6, 2011

This morning Jer and I had a doctor appointment to get our vaccinations started for travel, since the HepA series is 6 months in between shots. In addition to the HepA, we got the dTap and a prescription for typhoid. Africa here we come!

Today we also got our monthly update from AGCI. We are #74 on the waitlist for January! Hoping to see some good jumps on the waitlist this spring!

January 4, 2011

I was given 3 bags overflowing with size 2T little girls clothes/shoes today from a friend whose daughter has outgrown them. It was like Christmas! So strange though to walk into the house with pink and even stranger to hang a few of them up in the closet. Though still a ways a way, I was picturing our daughter in them, thinking about her and longing to meet her.

December 30, 2010

Jer and I headed up to Naperville for our USCIS fingerprinting today! We were up at 4:30 am and on the road by 5:15 am. Amazingly we arrived for our 8:00 am appointment and were finished by 8:10 am! While the office looked a lot like any other government facility, the efficiency and friendliness of the employees was surprising!

Ironically after arriving back home we had received an email from our case manager from AGCI stating the following:

"The Ethiopian government is now requiring a family’s Favorable Determination Letter (FDL) to be included in the authenticated dossier. For those new to this term, this is your family’s immigration pre-approval issued by USCIS and instructions for obtaining this document are in Section 6 of the dossier packet. As you know, until now families have been able to complete their dossier, move to the official waiting stage, and work to obtain immigration pre-approval during the wait. However, effective January 1, 2011, families whose dossier has not been submitted to AGCI for review will be required to obtain immigration pre-approval through the I-600A process prior to dossier submission. Many other agencies working in Ethiopia have been requiring this already and AGCI previously worked under this model. In the overall scheme of your adoption process, we are not anticipating it will change your wait time."

So thankfully this should not effect our waitlist status. Our FDL is due to arrive within 3 months. Once that is sent off to AGCI we will be ready to receive a referral!